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Winter in Harbor Springs

Seeing Manet–at The Toledo Museum of Art.


Last month I had the good fortune to visit the Manet exhibit at the Toledo Museum of Art. It was a beautiful show that exhibited many of his well-known paintings and included a few less celebrated paintings as well. As a student of painting, it was wonderful to see them all–what really made an impression, however, was something I did not expect to see. Some of the paintings are less carefully rendered; they are not the beautiful and polished commissioned pieces. Rather, they are the paintings that showcase him as a painter–full force–attempting something new and daring. And these paintings of transition don’t always work; but, they lead to paintings that do. What a gift to see this in a great artist. It’s almost like he’s talking to all of us who struggle and struggle to get better and he says, “that’s OK–just try, see what happens.”

Everyone who visits a show like this is looking for something. For some, it’s a lesson in history or culture. . . for others it may be to learn more about the artist. For painters, it is an attempt to understand how Manet achieved certain strengths in expression and composition. How does he express a gesture, a hand, a glance, without being merely photographic? How does he hold figures in the scene and direct the viewer’s eye to what he seeks to express? The answers are all there, and that’s why art is somewhat immortal. What a gift artists leave behind–still teaching and adding to the beauty of our current day. It’s wonderful to hold conversations with those who have struggled and achieved.



Behind the Red School House; Five-Mile Creek

Behind the Red School House; Five-Mile Creek

An early Fall painting, a bit north of Five-Mile-Creek school house. The woods there hold mystery and are quite buggy.

Recent Paintings (Continued)

Recent Paintings

Autumn Landscapes

There is nothing like fall in Northern Michigan. Beauty isĀ abundant, enticing and challenges the artist to capture the transforming colors.

Hello Everyone!

To all of my friends,

Thank you for stopping by to observe my new website, blog and paintings. I cannot tell how much your support has meant to me over the years. This site will be the authority of my progress as an artist, and will be updated with new content as quickly as I produce it.

I look forward to sharing my art with you.
